Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A.W.A's Ducks and Wild Ducks

Well, The A.W.A team and I plan to teach our Mallards how to fly like wild ducks, but my only concern is a wild duck will come and convince my ducks to fly away with it and I do not want that to happen. I have come up with 4 ideas on how this will work because I want to be prepared when it has to happen ( even though the ducks are only 3 weeks and 2 days old) . So my first idea was to run and have them follow me and have them take off and let them fly laps around a football field. I thought about this idea and I really thought it might work so I stuck with it because the team and I learned that when ever someone in the group or I run, the ducks will just run at you, so I thought "Maybe they will fly at us or me?" and I really believe that it might work. Then there is my second idea, I would just set the ducks on the high playground and walk away and they will just jump into flight and fly to me. This is also a good idea, but I do want everyone to know that I will do it with caution because I do not want to hurt the ducks in anyway so if I do take up this idea, I want the ducks to be standard fliers so they won't be in so much fear because if I just randomly put them up there and they have not ever been in the air once, they will jump and injure themselves. Also there is my third idea, in which I take the ducks and toss them into the air carefully and let them guide themselves from there. And last but not least, there is my fourth idea in which I run and flap to encourage them and act like I'm flying with them... I don't really like the last idea but, it is still an idea! Please stay up to date with my posts by visiting frequently! There is more to show! Always remember to please comment on my post and tell me what you think!

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