Friday, November 28, 2014

Meet Snow!

Today I  purchased a female Pied American Parakeet from Petsmart. I named her Snow because it matches her appearance and also due to the time of the year, Winter. She is very comfortable around me and I finger trained her an hour after she settled into her cage. She looks as if she is around 3 - 4 months old. I now have 2 females and 1 male. Neyo and Snow did not seem to like each other when they first met and I do not have an answer as to why. He seems to avoid being next to her unless Star is around. Same goes for Snow, she doesn't like being around him either and will seperate herself from him when given the chance. The good news is that Neyo and Snow preened each other but afterwards they began to fight. Star then began to attack Neyo also. As for Star and Snow, they get along pretty well and only got into a squabble one time which is when I first put them together, but Star did the same thing to Neyo when they first met too.
Here is some pictures of Snow and the duo:

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