The Manky Mallard (Adult Male Fall Plumage)
The Toulouse Goose (Adult Female)
The Rouen Duck (Adult Male Fall Plumage)
The Manky Mallard (Adult Male Spring Plumage Flapping)
The Manky Mallard (Adult Male Spring Plumage)
The Pekin (Adult Female)
The Chinese Goose (Adult Male Sleeping)
The Embden Goose (Adult Female)
The Pekin (Adult Male)
The Rouen Duck (Adult Male Spring Plumage)
The Manky Mallard (Adult Male Spring Plumage)
The Blue Swedish Duck (Adult Male)
The Black Swedish Duck (Adult Swimming)
Black Swedish and Blue Swedish Ducks (Swimming with maybe a Chocolate Swedish)
The Chocolate Swedish Duck?
The Chinese Goose (Adult Male)
The Canada Goose (Identification Banded Adult)
The Mallard Duck (Adult Male in flight)