Sunday, April 14, 2013

A big Change!

okay, so this is my new blog... for those of you who know BirdsView Darian.. well thats me. I just made this blog for my bird association (A.W.A). Well, I made this blog about how once, I begged for a birdfeeder all my life, and when i finally got one.. not one bird showed up.. well except that little old House Sparrow who just loved me....  Well today, i made a big change.. I still have that birdfeeder and turns out, birds come there after all.. I investigated for 2 days straight all night trying to piece the puzzle.. why wern't birds coming to my bird feeder, but they went to my neighbor's across the street? Well, it was just the season. Now that its spring time.. birds thrive in my backyard and I live in the city area! Its all because of my SECRET FORMULA that I made all last night.. it took me forever to piece the puzzle.. If you would like to know my SECRET FORMULA, please email me at to get a sneek peek of the ingredients.. if I so happen to give it to my loving fans, please mix it correctly or it will fail and not keep birds coming back again.. ( F.Y.I they will still eat it cause its food...)